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Jessalyn, Paul and Melody-

The drums here have a wonderful sound-and I'll never say, "stop playing those drums!" Why? Because it was Jessalyn's favorite toy here. Well, all the toys were, "HERS!" I smile when I hear the drum  being played  yet today-and turn to the child playing it, and emotions flood my heart and eyes-I sometimes think it's going to be Jessalyn, I turn, I hear her playing, laughing and saying, "MINE!" So tears become smiles for me-knowing she's still here in my preschool with me. Know I love YOU and HER very much. GOD BLESS YOU THIS HOLIDAY SEASON-hugssssss from cold Minnesota



So many beautiful memories you left to trace,
And for every special memory we  can see your face. 
For the path you took was not up to you,
And for this short life you did not choose.
You'll keep the heavens smiling like you did down here,
In my heart I will always keep you close and near.
No more pain no more suffering will you go through,
And remember  I will always love you.
You will not be forgotten but cherished forever, 
Because one day in heaven we will be there together. 
So Wait  for the day for us  to walk them Heavenly streets,
For it's by them Heavenly gates where you wait for us to meet.


Day by day I think of you,
How can all of this be true?
I still can't believe you're really gone,
I just can't accept it,
I feel so alone
Just the thought of you makes me cry,
I never even got the chance to say goodbye.
Every picture I have in a frame
always keeps me speaking your name.
So many things I never got to say,
I never imagined it would have ended this way
You were so special in our home
I just can't accept that your gone.
In my heart you'll always be,
You’ll be my guide and help me see.
I'll never forget your country voice,
I would take your place if I had a choice.
I miss you deeply with all of my heart,
Why did we have to part?
I know you're always by my side,
I just can't bring myself to say goodbye
So until we meet again someday,
Help guide me along the way.
Keep me strong, and give me grace, 
Until I see your smiling face.





I don't pretend anymore
That I am fine and okay
Life has been really hard 
Since the day you went away

But I have learned a lot since then
The night when all things changed
A broken heart can never be healed 
With tears or anything

It is still so fresh in my mind
I know it will always be
For things just aren't the same
Because it was always you and me

It's so hard to make it through, 
Living my life without you here
But one thing I want you to know
Your always in my heart so I'll have you near


Brooke Amundson-Hodson
 I love you.  I miss you. You are my little harley chick and always will be.  I will always remember your voice.  How sweet and pure you always were.  Your honesty and even though you knew how to be mischievious you always had those innocent eyes.  I will always remember the last time I got to hold you in my arms and rock you, all the while hoping you still remembered who I was.  Words don't seem to come to me very easily now, and I don't know if I am making any sense, all I know is that tears still fall down my face every time I think of you, every time I see a picture of you.  Memories come flooding back and I can't help but stop and say a few words to the sky to you and hope you are listening.  I love you so much and I know you are playing with the angels in heaven now.  Peace has come to you and the pain has left you and settled on my heart, for I miss your presence and I love you. 
  I will always remember you.
Love you
"Auntie"  Brooke
You would always come running up to me for hugs and kisses. and every time we were in the car, you would always say " mommy, where's daddy?". and i would tell you that daddy was at work. or how you would always ask.. "whats that" or who's that?" in the cutest little voice. I think one of my faovrite memories is when you would always make your way into mommy and daddy's room in the morning to wake us up if you couldnt sleep anymore, and when we try and give you a substitute blanky so we could wash your favorite one, you wouldn't sleep with the other one, you would sneak in our bedroom at night and lay on the floor with your feet under our bed, because you didnt want to sleep with any other blanky. I miss you punkadoo! so very much. I love you forever and for always....

Baby girl we miss you so much.  I will never forget the day you were born.  I wanted so badly to be there when you came into this world but unfortunately I couldn't get off from work.  But that evening I came to the hospital and I was so happy to see you there.  That was the day I told mommy and daddy that I was going to be a mommy again. 


I will also never forget the June before you went in for your last heart surgery.  Your mom and dad offered to give me a break from my little angels, Shanna and Shanell.  I dropped the girls off to play with you on that Friday afternoon and picked them up that Saturday afternoon.  The girls had such a great time with you.  Shanna continued to ask, when can I go see JJ again.  The girls had suck a great time with you and I know it will be cherished by both. 


I also remember when I came over there to see your mommy, daddy and you.  Unfortunately I couldn't make it over there all that much so you didn't know me that well but you took to me amazingly.  I played with you and tickled you and you just laughed and laughed.  You were such a wiggle worm. 


One thing that you have taught many people is that life is way to short and you never know when God will come knocking at the door.  So cherish every moment you have with one another cause you never know if you have tomorrow left.  I miss you very much and I will always remember you.  I'm sorry I couldn't come to see you more often but now I will have to make it a point to get over there to see your mom and dad more often as they need all the support they can to get through the hard times.  I love you JJ and I miss you!!


Where to begin. There are so many memories. You loved Reo, Kallie, and Maggie. You enjoyed broccoli and cheese. You loved to ride in the shopping cart standing up. You loved going bye-bye. When people cried you would cry with them. You were such a sweetheart!! You loved baths. You didn't really care for naps. You always took your medicine like a trooper. You loved "Melmo" and "bob bob". You loved the remote (thanks to daddy and uncle T.C :)


 After all the hospital stuff you loved to be rocked. You loved to be held. You loved to be the center of attention. You made me feel loved. Every time I held you-you would calm down when others had failed at trying to calm you. Me and you buddy we had a bond no one could touch. You were my mini me!!


Today was your wake. Hardest day of my life. Its 1am and we will be having your funeral soon. It hurts. It hurts more than anything ever could. You are #1 in my life.  Nothing will ever be as hard as today was. For the past few days I didn't even want to breathe. I wished I could just fade away. Your the only one I say "I love you" to. I hope I was able to show you that I had unconditional love for you.I hope you know I would of taken your place in a heartbeat. When you left us you took a huge part of  me with you. I hope you are happy and know that so many people love you. Now and forever.

Always remember:

Ity bity baby girl........Ity bity pretty girl.......


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